Ok everyone, I hope you can have fun with this page too. This is where from time to time, as I come up
them, I'll be posting flash movies. They'll be mostly Tests into the mysterious world of Actionscript.
WOOOOOoooo. I know your impressed, I sure was.
This One here is the first. I was trying to get a nice zoom going on and I think I got it.
Click the mouse and it should look zoomy.
Let me know what you think.
This is an animation I did for an animator friend of mine. He was trying to get used to using
motion tweens, so I made this in order to show him that it can be done, and how to do it.
On To a loverly little experiment! this I created after watching a video seminar(best name for it) on Interactive Design. I started to wonder, well "What exactly can I do with actionscript?"
So, I messed around with a very simple piece of symbol......this box.
First it didn't get anything interesting. Then I started to add more, and as I kept
adding more things to it, it became more fun to me. Eventually it became
this very simple set of roll-overs. I plan to keep going and add more to it as well.
I saw some very interesting things on sound input, so I might go there next.
This seems very simple at first, and with actionscript it very well would have been. Yet,
Turning one snowflake into a soft snow fall, at least when I started out, was a nightmare.
Now I look and think of a thousand things to add, Even just duplicating that a few frames
later would make it amazing. this is just fancy easing back and forth, up and down...
Even some rotation of the flakes.... I just gave up on it too quick. Remember It's always
good to look back on what you did wrong.
More experimentation for you. This time in the form of frame by frame animation,
otherwise known as fbf. I sat down and decided I was bored, and wanted to remedy that.
So, for about ten minutes I fiddled around with my Graphics Tablet, and finally created
this. Just a wiping line going back and forth. Then, I was still bored and the dull black
lines, though gratifying as an accomplishment, left me wanting more. Look leftwards to see
my next iteration.....
This actually looks cool to me. Where the first left me with less anxiety about fbf, this
left me with a sense of "That is groovy, dude!".
Who would think a simple drop shadow, with a setting of knockout, and a few other
tweaks, would bring me happiness. Anyway, Judge for yourself, and you can only guess
just how insanely bored a man can get, to consider this entertainment. HaHaha.
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